AFRA Members and Welcomed Guests.
We are live to pre-register for this match. Registration closes Tuesday June 20th at 8;00 PM. Acceptance email will be sent Wednesday. Squadding and weather GO/NO go by 8:00 pm Thursday June 22.
The match was scheduled to be Short Ranges Saturday and Long Ranges Sunday. Last fall many of the shorter firing berms were rebuild, extended, and seeded. Depending upon the condition of the new grass and total shooters, distances would be finalized until Tuesday June 20. AFRA recognizes that some shooters have different loads for different distances so we will give plenty of notice.
70 rounds per day minimum.
Register at the following link:
In preparation for new procedures being implemented for the Provincials, we will be testing our independent score keepers at this match for a trial run.
At Provincials we have been re-squadding each evening based on score for the next day. At this match, we will resquad on Saturday night for another system test.
At last match, FTR was relay 1 for both days. At this match, FOpen will be relay 1 for both days.
EMT payment details will be sent out with confirmation email to be paid by Friday afternoon.
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